I'm back from an enjoyable break and I look forward to sharing my perspective on issues that relate to education. So this week's blog is titled "Ready, Set, Goals". I was inspired to come up with that title because it made me think about how valuable goal setting is. In the age of social media, the word "goals" has become synonymous with famous people who live in beautiful homes, drive exotic cars, take vacations to exotic places, and even post their relationships online; for many who see this and wish that were them, they view those tangibles as "goals" (not knowing what goes on behind the scene in order to get or keep those things). Now don't get me wrong, those things mentioned above have their place in life if it is meant for us to have them, but there are also intrinsic or internal benefits associated with achieving a goal. There's a boost to your self-esteem, you develop a more positive outlook on life, and there's a sense of pride that you feel when you work hard while staying committed to achieving a desired goal.
Since returning to work this month, I have had the pleasure of sitting with classroom teachers to discuss instructional goals that they have for this school year. One teacher has set a goal to incorporate Number Talks in her classroom during math lessons (to learn more about Number Talks, check out my very first blog post from May 2018). This teacher especially wants her students to talk about different strategies they use to solve math problems; she wants them to have a mental "toolkit" of strategies so they can use that knowledge to help them solve problems more efficiently. Another teacher is working on his pacing during Science lessons. Because he works with older students, he wants to be purposeful when teaching lessons because he feels that if he is more aware of the pace of his lessons, that will help him determine the parts of instruction where more time needs to be devoted to making sure his students have a clear understanding of the content being taught.
So you see, goals can be made for just about anything (as with the case of two of the teachers I'm working with this quarter). The benefits of goal setting are rewarding when they have a significant impact on everyone involved in the process. So what's your goal(s)? Whether personal or professional, think about the steps you'll need to take to achieve them, plan accordingly, then stay committed to accomplishing that task. Under this week's Intentional Toolkit I have shared some resources that highlight the benefits of goal setting; I hope you find these resources useful. Remember goals can be met if you are willing to stay committed to accomplishing them. Until next time...get ready, get set, annnnd....go out there and be GREAT!
An article in Forbes magazine discusses 5 reasons why goal setting will improve your focus.
And finally, this article gives you some great tips for how to set goals when you don't know what you want (definitely an article worth reading).