Another change happened this Fall when I took on the opportunity to focus on specific content area; in this case coaching teachers in Math and Social Studies. With this opportunity to tackle these two areas, there are certainly challenges, and of course there are times that I become discouraged. But I am so grateful that my faith continues to grow along this journey with the work that I have been assigned to do. So as the end of the week draws nearer, I have to reemphasize how much I am looking forward to a break. Whether you are a veteran teacher or first year teacher reading this post, reflect on the great things that you have accomplished in your class so far. And by the way, to any first year teacher reading this, I say congratulations to you because you made it through the first half of your teaching career!
While it is easy for all of us to allow the unpleasant experiences that have occurred on our jobs to find their way into our thoughts, let's focus on those successes. For example think about that student(s) that started off as a challenge yet you have found a way to connect with him/her. And if you are in a leadership role think about the many challenges you have faced this semester (discipline, irate parents, unsatisfied staff, etc.). Now reflect on how those encounters/situations have changed for the better (if they are still a work in progress, continue to do your best while keeping the faith... sooner or later, those circumstances will come to pass). During this holiday season my hope for you is that you will unplug from the daily routine so that you can take time to enjoy those that matter most in your life; starting with yourself!
Back in August, I did a video blog discussing the importance of self-care and in the upcoming months of 2019 I plan on revisiting that topic once again so stay tuned. Under the Intentional Toolkit, I have shared a video by Daniel Rueben that discusses the power of rest and reflection. Additionally I shared a link of an article that highlights the benefits of giving students a break during the school day. And because it's important that we understand the value of rest and reflection, I have included some great reads around that idea as well; I hope that you will find these resources useful. It is my prayer that you get much needed rest while taking time to live in the moment, enjoy your break, have a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Until next time...go out there and be GREAT!