At one high school in Arizona, a family created a large CLASS OF 2020 sign to display on the school grounds. Students came to the school to take pictures in their caps and gowns.
In Indiana as well as in many other states, schools are having virtual graduations. Students host watch parties of the ceremony at home with family and friends. But the most popular way that schools are honoring graduates is by having graduation parades. Cars meet at a desired location. From there, the cars line up and proceed down a "parade route" through the neighborhood. As graduates sit on cars or hang out the car windows dressed in their caps and gowns, families, friends, and even those who are part of the school community stand on each side of the street holding banners, posters, etc. with messages of well wishes to the honorees on their special day.
While this isn't exactly the type of graduation students imagined having at the start of the 2019-2020 school year, they have accepted this sudden change and have made the best of an unfortunate situation. So to the class of 2020, I say JOB WELL DONE! As you move ahead in the next phase of your life, I wish you blessings and much success in all that you do. Until next time my friends, go out there and be GREAT!