Oh what a lovely precious dream.
To be young, gifted, and Black,
Open your heart to what I mean.
~Nina Simone
As I reflect this week, I would be remiss and do my ancestors a disservice if I let the month of February end and not mention the celebration of Black History. While one month (the shortest month of the year) cannot possibly highlight all the contributions that Black people have made around the world, I want to shine the spotlight on a few Brilliant Black Math Minds that serve as inspiration to me...

Rudy L. Horne, Ph.D. (1968-2017) Dr. Horne was an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Morehouse College before his untimely death in 2017. Dr. Horne received credit as the mathematical consultant for the film Hidden Figures. It was his job to verify that the mathematical equations used in the film were accurate.

These are just a few of the brilliant math minds that truly make my heart happy! Under the Intentional Toolkit I have included some additional resources that shine the spotlight on the brilliance of Black Educators in the field of Mathematics. I hope you find these resources helpful. Here's to an excellent week ahead! Until next time...go out there and be GREAT!
photo of the month
6th Grade Math Teacher--- Moss Point, Mississippi
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