With the cancellation of classes at colleges, universities, and school districts across the country, everyone's way of doing things has changed...suddenly. As a lifelong learner and educator who is passionate about student success, I wanted to help in anyway that I could. Under this week's Intentional Toolkit I have shared a video that discusses preventative measures we all need to take in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. On my podcast this week I will also be talking about the impact that this pandemic is having on everyone globally. Additionally, if you go to the tab on the left hand side of this blog, you will find a page titled "COVID-19 at home resources for parents and students". The resources include academic websites, information about food assistance, and home internet access for low-income families. As always, I hope you find these resources useful. As the days go by and we receive hourly updates on this situation, it is important to know that even during these unfortunate circumstances, there are still opportunities to make the best of changes...even when those changes happen suddenly. Until next time...go out there and be GREAT!
Hey everybody, as I write this week's post I realize that we are living through a health scare crisis world-wide. The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused many changes to our daily routines as we knew them a few months ago. In fact, these sudden changes are causing us to do things a little differently. Things like limiting the number of public places we normally go in order to avoid large crowds of people. We are even being more cautious about embracing people with a hug, fist bump, or handshake in order to avoid physical contact. And we have been informed to wash our hands often, not touch our faces, cough into our arm, etc...all of these precautions in an effort to avoid becoming infected with Coronavirus. With the cancellation of classes at colleges, universities, and school districts across the country, everyone's way of doing things has changed...suddenly. As a lifelong learner and educator who is passionate about student success, I wanted to help in anyway that I could. Under this week's Intentional Toolkit I have shared a video that discusses preventative measures we all need to take in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. On my podcast this week I will also be talking about the impact that this pandemic is having on everyone globally. Additionally, if you go to the tab on the left hand side of this blog, you will find a page titled "COVID-19 at home resources for parents and students". The resources include academic websites, information about food assistance, and home internet access for low-income families. As always, I hope you find these resources useful. As the days go by and we receive hourly updates on this situation, it is important to know that even during these unfortunate circumstances, there are still opportunities to make the best of changes...even when those changes happen suddenly. Until next time...go out there and be GREAT! Comments are closed.
August 2024